Productive Mama bottom line: not earth shattering and maybe not the slickest one out there, but this one has served me well and is FREE!
If you work from home, keep track of your mileage to and from work-related events and meetings! I know a lot of (work-at-home) moms who don’t do this. For a summary of WHY you should, read this:
For years I kept a paper log and tallied up my miles come tax season. A few years back, after I finally got a smart phone, I looked for a way to do this on my phone. I’ve been using TrackMyMileage. I’ve only needed the free version. This app has MANY more features that I don’t use, such as:
- tracking mileage using GPS (saves you from manually entering your information)
- client sorting for trips
- multiple driver tracking
- multiple vehicle tracking
- factoring in lunch, breaks, etc.
My needs are simple and yours might be simple enough to use this free version, as well:
- one vehicle tracking
- all trips are categorized as work related
- manually enter miles
Then, come end of the year, I have it tally up my miles and I print a report. This isn’t earth shattering, but I do love having this tool to save me just a little brain power and a wee bit ‘o money when it’s time to do those dreaded taxes. Read more about it here: